Tuesday, September 4, 2012

11 "Techcessful"

1.  I certainly like and will use google docs, translateit!, maxjournal, and online dictionaries.  Regardless of how big the leap to digital, a leap starts somewhere.  I am transitioning from dictionaries to locate vocabulary to using ipads and online dictionaries.  Will also practice journal conversations on the ipad.

2.  I already have enjoyed using more technology in my classroom but I know I need to expand and learning needs to become more interactive and more student tech. centered.  There is that saying, lead, follow or get out of the way.  I hope I can be part of the lead group or at least follow where others have gone before to make my classroom more "techcessful".

3.  I truly enjoyed 11 Tools.  I did not know what to expect.  I was presently surprised with the information and tools presented.  More importantly, I plan to use the tools and continue to use the 11 Tools Site as a source for information.

Thanks SBISD.

Tool 10 Digital Drivers License

1.  Students need to understand that digital content is hard to erase.  Be careful what you post.  What is cyber bullying?  Online laws or rules.  Beware of plagiarism.

2. Cybersmart Teens and another site I found called the Nine Elements.

3.  Open discussion about appropriate vs. inappropriate behavior online.  Real life situations, share examples.  Several youtube videos about online safety and being a good digital citizen.

4.  Creating a digital citizenship contract that the parents and students will sign.  Something concrete to reflect upon.